VCARS provides some good Mercedes-Benz pictures. There aren’t many types of wallpaper available, but the ones available are very good. You can choose from 3 different sizes: 1280×1024, 1024×768 and 800×600. There are also Wallpapers from other car makes, one of the most popular has a Porsche Carrera GT and a Ford Mustang.

You can choose to send the images to a friend, providing the correct details. Submitting the page to social bookmarking websites like, and Stumbleupon is also possible. You can also comment on the page, submitting your opinion on the wallpapers.

There is also a Mercedes Benz dynamic screensaver with calendar and clock. The Clock option is very useful. The screensaver shows different pictures of Mercedes Benz, like ML class or the SLR. The pictures on the screensaver are the ones you can download individually on the same page. Installation of the screensaver is very simple, you should try it.

Mercedes Benz Wallpaper
Mercedes Benz Wallpaper
Mercedes Benz Wallpaper
Mercedes Benz Wallpaper
Mercedes Benz Wallpaper
Mercedes Benz Wallpaper
